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The Great Companions – Juwairiyyah Bint al-Harith R.A

A Glimpse in to the life, merits and qualities of a great companion of our beloved Nabi , Juwairiyyah Bint al-Harith رضي الله عنها

Who is Sayyidah Juwairiyyah Bint al-Harith رضي الله عنها ?

  • Name: Sayyidah Juwairiyyah Bint al-Harith رضي الله عنها
  • Born: 38 years after our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam (15 BH)
  • Demise: 39 years after our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam (50 AH)

● Sayyidah Juwayriyyah رضي الله عنها was the daughter of al-Harith Ibn Diraar رضي الله عنه who was the chief of the Banu Mustalaq tribe.

● She was known for her respect, piety, intelligence and beauty.

● Her original name was Barra, but our beloved Nabi ﷺ changed her name to Juwayriyyah.

● She first married Musafi Ibn Safwan who was a very influential person.

● After the demise of her husband during the expedition of Muray’see, she was held as a captive and became a slave to Thabit Ibn Qays radhiyallahu anhu but our beloved Nabi ﷺ married her and freed her.

● She married our beloved Nabi ﷺ at the age of 20, and she was the youngest of the wives of our beloved Nabi ﷺ after Ai’shah رضي الله عنها.

● She lived with our beloved Nabi ﷺ for many years and took the responsibility of the household and family of our beloved Nabi ﷺ.

● She had extreme love and care for our beloved Nabi ﷺ. She supported him immensely and was eager to practice upon the sayings of our beloved Nabi ﷺ and she would encourage others to do the same.

● She also narrated many ahadeeth from our beloved Nabi ﷺ. She had a lot of love for salah and would spend hours remembering Allah Ta’ala.

● After the demise of our beloved Nabi ﷺ, she lived for many years. During this time, she stayed in Madeenah and served Islam.

● Sayyidah Juwayriyyah رضي الله عنها passed away at the age of 65 in Madeenah during the reign of Marwan Ibn Hakam. She is buried in Jannatul Baqi.

May Allah grant her a lofty status in Jannah and may Allah Ta’ala accept all of her services to deen and reward her on our behalf


Turn over and read

1) She was dedicated to Allah Ta’ala and spent most of her time in worship, remembering Allah Ta’ala.

2) She was very intelligent and wise.

3) She was known for her beauty.

4) She held a very dear position to our beloved Nabi ﷺ.

5) She had little interest in socializing.


Turn over and read

1) Aa’ishah رضي الله عنها once said, “I do not know of a woman who brought greater blessing to her people more than Juwayriyah.”

2) She had great zeal for knowledge and memorized many narrations of our beloved Nabi ﷺ and conveyed them to others.

3) She was the means of many from her tribe embracing Islam.

In a hadeeth in Sahih Muslim, Juwairiyyah رضي الله عنها (the wife of our beloved Nabi ﷺ) says, she was sat remembering Allah Ta’aala when our beloved Nabi ﷺ passed by after the morning prayer. When our beloved Nabi ﷺ returned either after sunrise or midday she was still doing this same action.

Our beloved Nabi ﷺ said to her that he had read the following words 3 times since he left her and that these words are greater and more heavier (in the hereafter) than whatever she had said (for that entire time!). These words were:

سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ 

عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ

وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ

 وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ

وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ

Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, `adada khalqihi, wa rida nafsihi, wa zinatah `arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Note: These words are very special and rewarding because they are full of Praise and Glorification of Allah Ta’aala.

Our beloved Nabi ﷺ freed 100 people from Banu Mustalaq because of his marriage with Juwayriyyah.

(Musnad Ahmad)

Aa’ishah رضي الله عنها once said, “I do not know of a woman who brought greater blessing to her people more than Juwayriyah.”

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