Sunnah of blowing the nose after waking up
After waking up from our sleep we all wash our face to freshen up. There is a beautiful sunnah of our beloved Nabi ﷺ which advise us to blow our nose three times after waking up.
Our beloved Nabi ﷺ said, “When one of you wakes up from his sleep, he must blow his nose three times, for Shaytan spends the night in one of his nostrils.” (Muslim/Bukhari)
Note: In some narrations, we find blowing the nose is for when one makes wudhu. However, some ulama have said it can be done without wudhu.
Benefits of following this Sunnah:
1) We will get the blessings and rewards of following a Sunnah.
2) Allah Ta’ala will be happy with us.
3) The effects of Shaytan will be removed.