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Seeking forgiveness for our wrongs

Memorise and practice a new hadeeth every week!

By Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib

Seeking forgiveness for our wrongs

اَلتَّائِبُ مِنَ الذَّنبِ كَمَن لا ذَنبَ لَه

Our Beloved Nabi ﷺ said, “The person who repents from sin is like that person who has no sin”

Ibn Majah


Every believer wants to make Allah Ta’ala happy. But what happens if we do something wrong and make him sad and angry with us. For example, if we lie, cheat, show disrespect to our parents and miss salah etc. What can we do to make Allah Ta’ala forgive us and become happy with us again?

In this beautiful hadeeth we learn, that when we do something wrong and we do tawbah, which basically means we ask Allah Ta’ala for forgiveness and promise never to do wrong again, Allah Ta’ala forgives us.

What’s most amazing is we will be just like that person who never done anything wrong!

How to make tawbah?

1) We must first feel regret about what we’ve done.

2) We have to stop and leave the bad action we asking forgiveness for.

3) We have to make a firm decision never to do that wrong action again.

4) If we have done something that we need to make up for e.g. missing salah or missing a fast in Ramadhan, then we will have to do the qadha of these.

Also, if we had hurt someone or taken something which belongs to someone, we will need to ask their forgiveness and return what’s theirs.

Action Plan:

1) We must try our best not to do anything wrong.

2) If we do anything wrong, we must make tawbah.

3) While making tawbah we follow the 4 conditions.

4) We should never do something wrong thinking we can ask for forgiveness afterwards. Tawbah is not for this.

5) Be sure never to tell anyone about something wrong we done. It should remain between us and Allah Ta’ala.

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