Learn a Sunnah Learn and practice one new sunnnah every week. Basic and easy to understand By Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib What to read before sleeping – Part 2 What to read before sleeping – Part 1 Three Easy Sunnah for Eating Sunnah of Pausing after every verse of Surah al-Fatihah Sunnah of Washing the Hands before and after Eating Sunnah of Sleeping with Wudhu Sunnah of Blowing the Nose after Waking up Sunnah of knocking only 3 times Sunnah of picking up a dropped morsel of food Sunnah of not criticizing food Sunnah of telling one’s brother that he loves him Sunnah of rinsing the mouth after drinking milk Sunnah of dusting the bed before sleeping Sunnah of Moderate Eating Sunnah of Walking Sunnah of Smiling Sunnah of Exchanging Gifts Sunnah of Fasting Sunnah of Drinking Sunnah of sneezing and yawning Sunnah Of Visiting The Sick Using the Right Hand Sunnah of Using the Miswaak Listening Attentively Walking a guest to the door Eat Together from One Plate What to read before sleeping – Part 3 What to read before sleeping – Part 2 What to read before sleeping – Part 1 Three Easy Sunnah for Eating Sunnah of Pausing after every verse of Surah al-Fatihah Sunnah of Washing the Hands before and after Eating Sunnah of Sleeping with Wudhu Sunnah of Blowing the Nose after Waking up Sunnah of knocking only 3 times Sunnah of picking up a dropped morsel of food Sunnah of not criticizing food Sunnah of telling one’s brother that he loves him Sunnah of rinsing the mouth after drinking milk Sunnah of dusting the bed before sleeping Sunnah of Moderate Eating Sunnah of Walking Sunnah of Smiling Sunnah of Exchanging Gifts Sunnah of Fasting Sunnah of Drinking Sunnah of sneezing and yawning Sunnah Of Visiting The Sick Using the Right Hand Sunnah of Using the Miswaak Listening Attentively Walking a guest to the door Eat Together from One Plate