By Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib
Memorise and practice a Hadeeth every week
from the collection of 40 Ahadeeth by Shaykhul Hadeeth Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat sahib Hafizahullah.
Hadeeth Sixteen
Showing Mercy to others
لَا يَرْحَمُ اللهُ مَنْ لَّا يَرْحَمُ النَّاسَ
Our Beloved Nabi ﷺ said,
“Allah will not show mercy to the one who does not show mercy to the people”
Every person is in need of the mercy of Allah Ta’ala. This is because, it is only with His mercy that a person can hope for any good in this world or the Hereafter.
From this Hadith we learn that a person who does not show mercy to others, will not be shown mercy by Allah Ta’ala. So the key to Allah Ta’ala’s mercy is showing mercy to others.
What we learn from this Hadeeth?
1) Allah Ta’ala deals with us in the way we deal with others.
2) Those who are cruel or unable to show mercy will be deprived of Allah Ta’ala’s mercy.
3) Showing mercy to others will attract Allah Ta’ala’s mercy as mentioned in another Hadith, “Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.” (Tirmidhi)
4) The Mercy of Allah Ta’ala is necessary for us to gain any good in this world and the Hereafter.
5) There are various ways to show mercy but the mercy we feel within the heart is what’s most important
6) We should look for opportunities to show kindness to others or to share the pain of those in difficulty as this too will help towards being merciful.
Ways we can show mercy:
1) By caring and showing compassion towards others.
2) Wishing to see others enjoy happiness and prosperity.
3) Feeling sad when seeing anyone in difficulty.
4) When experiencing a loss, like the death of a family member, the sadness a person feels is a part of the mercy within him.
5) Showing mercy to children and slaves.
6) Making an effort to make others happy.
7) Showing kindness to animals and other creatures by giving them water, feeding them or not hurting them etc.