Inspire Me with My Name Bookmarker
We hope you enjoyed learning about your name.
Lets now use some of the information you collected from the inspire me with my name sheet and make a lovely bookmarker!
What you need to do:
1) Get a blank sheet of paper or card and draw a bookmarker. It can be any size. The bookmarker we made was:
Width : 6cm
Length : 16cm
2) Now take a look at the inspire me with my name information sheet you prepared in the previous activity and think what information you can use for your bookmarker
3) Download and have a look at this example to give you ideas:
4) Once you have done this on a scrap paper plan how your bookmarker will look.
5) Once you are ready, start putting information on your bookmarker and decorate it with colours and patterns.
Remember use both sides of the bookmarker
6) Once You are happy with your design, laminate it and cut it to size.
7) Now make a tassel to add to your bookmarker.
Download instructions for making a tassel here:
8) Make a hole at the top of your bookmarker and attach the tassel.
Once you have done this, your bookmarker is ready. Send us what your bookmarker looks like!