By Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib
Memorise and practice a Hadeeth every week
from the collection of 40 Ahadeeth by Shaykhul Hadeeth Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat sahib Hafizahullah.
Hadeeth Four
Fasting is a Shield
الصِّيَامُ جُنَّةٌ
Our Beloved Nabi ﷺ said,
“Fasting is a Shield”
Al-Bukhari & Muslim
From this Hadeeth, we learn that Fasting (Sawm) acts as a Shield for the fasting person and protects him from sin!
What we learn from this Hadeeth?
1) We are all in danger or harm from shaytan and sins, so we need to always be alert.
2) To protect us from harm, Allah Ta’ala has given us a very special blessing in the form of fasting.
3) Like any shield, it is only effective if it remains in one piece. If we damage our fast by doing wrong then it will not be able to protect us.
4) Fasting is not only for Ramadhan but should be practiced as often as possible.
A few more benefits of fasting:
1) Fasting even one day for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, will keep a person away from Jahannam for a distance covered by a journey of seventy years. (Bukhari)
2) Allah Ta’ala says that every good deed we do is for us, except for fasting. Because fasting is for Allah Ta’ala, and He will give the reward for it Himself. (Bukhari)
3) The du’a of the fasting person when he breaks his fast (at the time of iftar) is not rejected. (Tirmidhi)
4) The fasting people will enter Jannah through a special gate reserved only for them. This gate is called al-Rayyan and will call the fasting people towards it on the Day of Qiyamah. Once they have all entered, it will close. (Bukhari)
5) The person who fasts enjoys two moments of joy and happiness. One at the time of Iftar and the other when he will meet Allah Ta’ala.
Some Regular Sunnah Fasts:
1) Every other day (Fast of Prophet Dawood alayhis salam)
2) Every Monday and Thursday (Sunnah weekly Fast)
3) 13, 14 and 15, of every Islamic month (Sunnah Monthly Fast)
4) Fasting is not only for Ramadhan. Rather it is a very special form of worship for us to practice throughout the year.