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🎯 Our Daily Challenges
📜 Today’s Task Write a poem about our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Have a read through this poem as an example of what you…
📜 Today’s Task Complete the Islamic calendar flip chart for your room Make It (Part 2) 1) 📄 Get 12 sheets of paper and on…
📜 Today’s Task With the Islamic New year soon to start can you make an Islamic calendar flip chart for your room? You will need:…
📜 Today’s Task Complete the word search we started yesterday. Get someone to check it. Once it’s ready make a final draft and send it…
📜 Today’s Task Can you make a word search on any of the following topics? Sahaba names Surats from the Glorious Quran Prophets names Good…
📜 Today’s Task Over the weekend can you design a beautiful poster with the Sunnats of eating or sleeping. Be creative and make it easy…
📜 Today’s Task Write a final copy of your letter to explain why you would like to see madrasah open again Click here to download…
📜 Today’s Task Madrasah has been closed for a very long time now.. Too long! We all miss madrasah and can’t wait to be back…
📜 Today’s Task Write out the poem you wrote yesterday in neat. Decorate the paper with colours then give it to your parents. 📚 Learn…
📜 Today’s Task Can you write a poem about your parents? Think of how special they are, everything they do for you, where you would…
📜 Today’s Task Part 1 Find a close family member or family friend who has been for Hajj. With the permission of your parents take…
📜 Today’s Task Yesterday we made a boundary and inside that boundary we wrote the things we can do and outside that box we wrote…
📜 Today’s Task Explained: On an A4 sheet of paper, draw a rectangle/square. This is the boundary which you need to spend you life in.…
📜 Today’s Task Finish making your timetable and follow it daily 📚 Learn Did you know Madeena munawwarah (the city of our beloved Nabi…
📜 Today’s Task 📝 Make a timetable! Dearest children, a good timetable is important to make best use of your time. It will allow you…