Daily Lesson 73 November 24, 2020 Daily Lessons Fun and Beneficial Facts! Did you know? Sayyiduna Huzayfah Ibn Yamaan’s رضي الله عنه eyesight was so sharp that he could shoot arrows at the… Share this:
Daily Lesson 68 November 17, 2020 Daily Lessons Fun and Beneficial Facts! Did you know? Did you know Sayyiduna Abbas رضي الله عنه was said to have had a very booming (loud voice).… Share this:
Daily Lesson 63 November 10, 2020 Daily Lessons Fun and Beneficial Facts! Did you know? Umar ibn Khattab’s رضي الله عنه suggestions were liked by Allah Ta’aala on many occasions. So much so… Share this:
Rewards for Performing Wudhu October 28, 2020 Small Steps to Good Actions Great Rewards for performing wudhu! Share this: