Imam Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله and his submission to the words of Allah Ta’ala
Lived from: 38 AH (659) to 95 AH (713)
Ali bin Hussain رحمه الله, also known by the title Zaynul Abideen, was the grandson of Sayyiduna Ali رضي الله عنه and the son of Sayyiduna Husain رضي الله عنه. He was among the great Tabi’ee
There is an amazing incident which shows his ability to submit to the Qur’an and Allah Ta’ala’s commands:
On one occasion, Imam Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله was performing wudhu while his slave was assisting him by pouring the water onto his limbs. While pouring the water, it so happened that the jug fell from her hand, striking Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله and injuring him. On suffering the injury, Imam Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله looked up at the slave girl (in anger).
She, knowing his dedication to the Quran addressed him saying,
“Allah Ta‘ala mentions (while describing the people of taqwa)
وَالْكَاظِمِينَ الْغَيْظ
And those who suppress their anger
As soon as he heard this, Imam Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله responded,
“I have suppressed my anger.
”The slave then continued reciting the verse,
وَالْعَافِينَ عَنِ النَّاس
And those who forgive people
Hearing this, Imam Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله submitted,
“(I have forgiven you), may Allah Ta‘ala forgive you.
”Finally, the slave recited:
وَاللَّـهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِين
And Allah Ta‘ala loves those who do good.
When he heard this, Imam Zaynul Abideen رحمه الله replied,
“Go, for I have set you free!”
(Shu‘abul Imaan)