Fun and Beneficial Facts!
Did you know? The Glorious Qur’an was revealed over 1400 years ago and till today not a single letter of the Glorious Quran has changed? It is exactly the same as when it was revealed! Amazing right?
Did you know? For every letter of the Glorious Qur’an we read, Allah Ta’ala grants us 10 rewards. Imagine how many rewards you will get by the end of just 1 page?
Imam Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyash رحمة الله عليه completes 18,000 Qur’an’s in his home! (passed Away: 193 AH/808AD)
Imam Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyash رحمة الله عليه was a very pious scholar who lived in Kufa. He was well-known for his piety. Many great Imaams, the likes of Imam Abu Dawud رحمة الله عليه, Imam Ahmed Ibn Hambal رحمة الله عليه , Abdullah Ibn Mubarak رحمة الله عليه all studied hadith from him.
When Imam Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyash رحمة الله عليه was about to pass away, his sister visited him. When she saw he was in his final moments, she began to cry. Imam Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyash رحمة الله عليه to help remove her grief, pointed towards a corner of the house and told her that he had completed the recital of the Qur’an 18,000 times there. (Siyar A’lam Un Nubala)