My 2022 Deeni Resolutions December 31, 2021 Charts My 2022 Deeni Resolutions When a calendar year ends or even a school year, it gives us a perfect opportunity to look at what we… Share this:
My Self Check Chart December 28, 2021 Charts My Self Check Chart In our busy days of play and work, we can easily forget if our day is being spent doing good things… Share this:
Make a Poster on Isa Alayhis Salam December 14, 2021 Activities Make a Poster (10 Facts of Sayyiduna Isa عليه السلام) Can you design a beautiful poster on Sayyiduna Isa عليه السلام. Make it colourful. Use the… Share this:
My Daily Responsibilities December 12, 2021 Charts My Daily Responsibilities Download How responsible are you? Can you pick 5 duties around the house which you can take responsibility for and help your… Share this:
My Reading Log October 2, 2021 Charts My Daily Reading Log Reading is the window which leads to knowledge. The more we read, the more we will learn. But obviously what’s very… Share this: