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Durood Tracker

Durood Tracker

Fill in and complete our durood tracker which will help us to read more durood every week!

Use our durood counter chart to keep track of all your durood:

1) Print out the durood tracker
2) Laminate it (if possible) and use a whiteboard marker to write in it. This way it can be reused.
3) If you can’t print then open and write on the document after downloading with a pdf editor.

Why Read Durood? 

📌 Let us look at a few benefits of reading durood.

Our durood will help us:

  • Make our ⚖️ scales heavy
  • Gain the help of our beloved Nabi ﷺ on the day of Qiyamah
  • Fulfil our needs of this world and the hereafter
  • Acquire 📊 lots of rewards, blessings and mercies.
  • Acquire a 📈 high Jannah
  • Get the reward of giving charity

Click here to read our daily lesson about the benefits of durood


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