Daily Lesson 81
Listen to “Great Companions Series – Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه ” by Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib
Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما
Name: Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه
Title: Hibrul Ummah, Tarjumaanal Qur’an
Born: 47 years after our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam (3 BH)
Demise: 57 years after our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam (68 AH)
● Sayyiduna Abdullah, the son of our beloved Nabi ﷺ’s uncle, Sayyiduna Abbas رضي الله عنه, was among the young sahaba in the time of our beloved Nabi ﷺ. He was very keen to learn and was well known for his thirst for knowledge.
● After his birth, his mother took him to our beloved Nabi ﷺ who placed some of his blessed saliva on Sayyiduna Abdullah’s رضي الله عنه tongue. This was the start of a very close relationship between the two of them.
● He was known as Tarjumaanal Quran – meaning ‘The great commentator of the Qur’an’ and Hibr ul ummah – meaning the inkpot of the ummah. These titles were given to him due to his knowledge.
● Being the cousin and having immense love for our beloved Nabi ﷺ, he would spend much time with our beloved Nabi ﷺ and try to serve him as best as he could. It was due to this quality of his, that our beloved Nabi ﷺ made a special dua for him: اللهم فقهه فی الدین “O Allah grant him deep understanding of deen”
● It was a result of this dua, that he became recognised as the most knowledgeable in commentating and understanding the Glorious Quran.
● Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما is also among the 6 great narrators of ahadeeth, having narrated a total of 1660 ahadeeth
● What’s most amazing is that he was only 13 at the time of our beloved Nabi ﷺ’s demise. So he had acquired such a large number of ahadeeth from our beloved Nabi ﷺ in such a short time.
● After our beloved Nabi ﷺ passed away, Abdullah ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما continued to seek knowledge and teaching it to others. People from all around the world would come and learn from him.
● Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما passed away at the age of 71 and is buried in Ta’if.
May Allah grant Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما a great amount of reward for all of his services to our beloved Nabi ﷺ and to Deen and give us all the ability to emulate these great companions.
1) Knowledge: Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه was a true seeker of knowledge and an example for all students.
2) Serving Others: He was one to serve others and used this special quality to serve our beloved Nabi ﷺ.
3) Adab (Respect): With knowledge, he was very respectful and showed a great amount of respect towards our beloved Nabi ﷺ.
4) Wisdom: Allah Ta’ala granted him wisdom and senior companions consulted him after the demise of our beloved Nabi ﷺ.
5) Dedication: He was dedicated to learning, teaching and serving Allah and His Rasool ﷺ.
Did you know?
Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما was only 13 when our beloved Nabi ﷺ passed away. Despite his young age, he had memorised over 1600 hadeeth! Amazing right?
1) Sa’d ibn Waqqas رضي الله عنه used to say: I have not seen anyone more present-minded, wise, knowledgeable and forbearing than Abdullah ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما.
2) Umar رضي الله عنه loved ٓAbdullah Ibn ‘Abbas رضي الله عنهما and despite his young age, he gave him a seat close to him in his gatherings.
3) Umar رضي الله عنه consulted young Abdullah regarding all his affairs, and took his opinion into consideration, in spite of his young age.
Two incidents in his life:
He served and respected our beloved Nabi ﷺ through which he acquired his very special dua’s. Two such occasions were:
A) Through his service:
Once our beloved Nabi ﷺ entered the lavatory and young Abdullah رضي الله عنه prepared the water for his ablution.
When our beloved Nabi ﷺ finished relieving himself, and saw this water ready for ablution, he asked, “Who placed this?” He was informed that young Abdullah رضي الله عنه had done so. Our beloved Nabi ﷺ became extremely pleased by this action of his that he made dua saying, “O Allah! Grant him (Abdullah Ibn `Abbas رضي الله عنهما) deep knowledge and understanding of Deen (Islam).”
B) Through his respect:
Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما was once performing salah behind our beloved Nabi ﷺ. As our beloved Nabi ﷺ was about to begin Salah, he indicated that young Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما should stand at his side. However, Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما stood behind him.
When the Salah was finished, our beloved Nabi ﷺ turned to Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما and said: ‘What prevented you from standing at my side, O Abdullah?’
Abdullah رضي الله عنهما replied saying, ‘You are too great in my eyes for me to stand side by side with you,’.
This answer and thinking of Abdullah Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما pleased our beloved Nabi ﷺ that he made dua for him that Allah increases him in ilm and understanding (of deen)