Challenge 10 - Read a book on Seerah or the Sahabah!!
Reading is the window which leads to knowledge. The more we read, the more we will learn. But obviously what’s very important too is that we read books which teach us good things, make us better in our character and most importantly in our obedience to Allah Ta’ala.
So, that brings us to today’s challenge.
We want you to read a book on seerah (the life of our beloved Nabi ﷺ) or a book on the lives of the male or female companions of our beloved Nabi ﷺ.
What you need to do:
1) First pick a book and check with someone to make sure the book is suitable for you.
Top tip: Try to read a book from an author who is well known to you or adults at home.
2) Daily read a section of the book.
3) When you finish reading for the day, use our reading log sheet to record the pages that you read and what you learnt from it.
4) Once you finish the book you can recommend it to someone else so they can also benefit from it.
You may even wish to read it all over again or pick another title and complete another reading log sheet!
Enjoy and keep reading and learning