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Daily Challenge 3

📜 Today's Task


  1. On an A4 sheet of paper, draw a rectangle/square.
  2. This is the boundary which you need to spend you life in.
  3. Inside this box list all the good things you should/you are allowed to do in this box.
  4. Outside the box is where there is danger. Write what we are not allowed to do/what will make Allah unhappy.
  5. Anything you are not sure of, write seperately and when madrasah opens you can ask your teachers about it insha’allah.

📚 Learn

Go through 1 lesson/chapter from your fiqh kitab. Get an adult to test you!

📖 Read​

Rasulullaah sallallahu alayhi wassallam’s Miracle of Splitting the moon

To prove to them that he really was Allaah’s messenger, the Kuffaar of Makkah demanded that Rasulullaah ﷺ splits the moon for them. Rasulullaah ﷺ then pointed to the moon and it split into two.

[Bukhaari 3637, Muslim 7076 from Hadhrat Anas radhiallahu anhu]

🎧 Listen

“How to value our health and free time”

Lesson of the Day by Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib


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