The Great Companions – Mu’adh Ibn Jabal R.A
A Glimpse in to the life, merits and qualities of a great companion of our beloved Nabi ﷺ, Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه
Listen to “Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه ” by Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib
Who is Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه ?
- Name: Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه
- Title: Abu Abdirrahman
- Born: 33 years after our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam (20 BH)
- Demise: 7 years after our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam (18 AH)
● Mu’adh رضي الله عنه the son of Jabal Ibn Amr Ibn Aws was a very knowledgeable, pious and a very close companion of our beloved Nabi ﷺ
● His parents passed away before the advent of Islam and he was brought up in the Banu Salama tribe living in the outskirts of Madeenah.
● Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه accepted Islam in the very early stages. He was only 18 years old when the pledge of Aqabah took place.
● One very special and distinguishing quality of Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه was that since he accepted Islam, he participated in all the battles.
● Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه was very knowledgeable and went on to become the most learned with regards to Halal and Haram.
● His trust and position in the eyes of Allah and his Rasool ﷺ can be understood from the fact that he was sent as a governor to Yemen by our beloved Nabi ﷺ to teach people about deen and attend to the affairs of the people.
●Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه was one of the four companions from whom our beloved Nabi ﷺ recommended others to learn the Quran and by this, he became a teacher of the Quran for many great companions.
● He remained in Yemen till the demise of our beloved Nabi ﷺ and during the time of Sayyiduna Abubakr As Siddeeq رضي الله عنه he returned to Madeenah.
● A short while after returning, he expressed his desire to travel to Syria as he wanted to join the Muslim army and attain martyrdom. Sayyiduna Umar رضي الله عنه asked Sayyiduna Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه to persuade him to stay in Madeenah so people can benefit from him. But he declined this request and made the journey to Syria.
● In 18 AH, a plague spread in Shaam and Mu’adh رضي الله عنه fell ill with this plague, passing away at the age of 38 and was buried in Shaam. Some historians have said he passed away even younger at the age of only 33!
May Allah Ta’ala grant a great amount of reward for all of his services to Rasulullah ﷺ and to deen and give us all the ability to emulate his great companions in every way.
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1) Sayyiduna Mu’adh رضي الله عنه had the most knowledge from the Sahabah regarding Halal and Haram.
2) He had special expertise in Qur’an and was chosen by Nabi ﷺ to teach Quran to others.
3) He had exceptional manners and piety due to which our beloved Nabi ﷺ loved him very dearly.
4) He was ever willing to sacrifice what he had for deen.
5)Wealth and material were of no significance to him and he would spend generously on others.
A Special Du'a
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A special dua taught by our beloved Nabi ﷺ
Sayyiduna Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه says that our beloved Nabi ﷺ held his hand and said, O Mu’adh, by Allah, I love you and advise you not to miss supplicating (making dua) after every Salaah saying:
اَللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّي عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ
‘Allahumma a’inni ‘alaa dhikrika wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibadatika,’
Translation: O Allah, help me remember You, expressing gratitude to You and worship You in the best manner”. (Abu Dawud)
1) Sayyiduna Umar رضي الله عنه would say that anyone who wants to find an Islamic ruling for anything should go to Sayyiduna Mu’adh Ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه.
2) His knowledge and trustworthiness can easily be seen by the fact he was chosen to go as a governor to Shaam.
3) Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood رضي الله عنه when praising Sayyiduna Mu’adh ibn Jabal رضي الله عنه would say that he was like an Ummah and was fully devoted to Allah Ta’ala. (Isabah)
4) Our beloved Nabi ﷺ said good words about Sayyiduna Muadh رضي الله عنه saying that “He was someone who Allah Ta’ala had led to good and right and also saying he was a good person.
5) In the time of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه when Sayyiduna Mu’adh رضي الله عنه expressed his desire to go to sham, Sayyiduna Umar رضي الله عنه advised Sayyiduna Abubakr رضي الله عنه to convince him to stay in Madeenah saying he was needed by the people of Madeenah as he could teach them and they would benefit from him.