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Hadeeth – Being Hasty

Memorise and practice a new hadeeth every week!

By Mawlana Junayd Makda Sahib

Haste is from shaytaan

اَلْاَنَاۃُ مِنَ اللہِ وَالْعَجَلَۃُ مِنَ الشَّیْطَانِ

Our Beloved Nabi ﷺ said, “Calmeness and patience is from Allah and haste is from Shaytan.”



How many times does it happen that we have done some work, or completed a task and because we have rushed it, our teachers or parents have said to us, “You could have done better”

Many times, right?

Well this hadeeth shows us that it’s not just our parents and teachers that like us to do things properly and carefully, Allah likes it this way too.

To understand this hadeeth let us first understand why we rush things. Shaytan likes us to rush, so that we make mistakes. He does not like things to be good and perfect. He wants us to make lots of mistakes and have regrets.

Allah Ta’ala on the other hand likes us to be free of errors and be perfect so that we can have more time to worship him and so that we can have peace of heart and mind with which we can worship him.

With this Allah Ta’ala’s qualities are perfect and Shaytan is imperfect.

Let’s be smart and not let shaytan get the better of us and the next time our parents or teachers tell us you rushed this and could have done better, think of this hadeeth and think that I want to do things the way Allah likes not shaytan. By doing this insha’allah, the quality and outcome of everything we do will improve and we will live to regret very few mistakes insha’allah.

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Posted in Hadeeth Lessons

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