Poetry Competition Results 2021
Poetry Competition
Sep 2021/ Safar 1443
Ended: 5th October 2021
Congratulations to our winners and all those who entered!!
All winners will insha’allah receive their prizes within the next 7 days and all participants will insha’allah receive an e-certificate for entering.
Winners (Age 10 – 13 category)
Aaminah Badat (Age 12, Leicester) 
Maryam Siraj (Age 10, Oman) 
Khadija Bulbul (Age 12, Leicester) 
Winners (Age 6 – 9 category)
Ruqaiya Siraj (Age 7, Oman) 
Aisha Abdullah (Age 7, Leicester) 
Fatimah Patel (Age 7, Leicester)