Noble Guests
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Noble Guests
By (Mawlana) Junayd Makda
Every thought of good that crosses the mind
Is your creator being to you so kind
An invitation or delegation from Him to you
To help you to do that which is so true
Little do we notice these guests come and go
Many times we may not even know
Why or what we are thinking when we do
Good actions which we’ve been invited to do
These are indeed guests from the royal court,
Devine, Holy are such pure thoughts
Inviting us to do which will bring us reward
So that the angels find good to record
Though noble, kind and generous these guests are
They do indeed travel very far
They are sensitive to our treatment to them
For their returning on us will depend
The next time you get a visit from such noble guests
Be sure to host them with every good jest
Allow them room to feel welcomed with love
For indeed they shall frequent from far above