Is it not yet time for change

Mawlana Junayd sahib’s poem read as a nasheed by Mawlana Adil Moghradia (Bolton)

Is it not Time for Change?

By (Mawlana) Junayd Makda

For how long will you tread astray
Keeping yourself from Allah away
Listen to the whisper from Allah,
Is it not yet time for change?

For how long will the heart stay empty
A life with no purpose just sins in plenty
For how long will you ignore His call
Is it not yet time for change

When was the last you done any good
Or in salah you may have stood
Ever remember making a change
Is it yet not time for change

The feelings desires heart full of lust
The heart with neglect covered with rust
Selfishness and fun, but how long?
Is it yet not time for change

Pay a visit and see the many graves
Full of people who also never gave
Any thoughts attention to His call
Is it yet not time for change

Listen and you will soon hear it
A whisper with this message within it
A call and chance to make change
Are you ready now to make a change?

Other From ‘Lessons through Poetry’

Is it not yet time for change

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