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Daily Holiday Challenge Day 13

Challenge 13 - My Daily Responsibilities

How responsible are you? Can you pick 5 duties around the house which you can take responsibility for and help your parents with?

For the Parents:

Our children won’t become responsible unless they are given responsibilities. And like everything else this starts in the home.

Help your child choose 5 things that they can become responsible for. 

It could be something as easy as lining up the shoes straight or a little bit more tricky like sorting out the laundry or even helping with meal prep.

For the Children:

Part of growing up is becoming responsible. And we are never too young to take on a responsibility.

Do you have any responsibility that you can think of e.g doing your homework on time, making your bed in the morning, putting your clothes away, etc?

Today’s challenge is to make you:

1) Think about becoming responsible.
2) Think of what responsibilities you are already doing.
3) Pick 5 duties around the house which you can take responsibility for.

Remember becoming responsible means to do something on your own without being told, it also means that you have to do it properly. If for any reason you struggle to do it on time or are unable to do it you can ask someone to help you.

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